Thanks for the tip Ben,

I’m trying to do the same with Rails 3.0.5 but having some problems and comments.
Is the adapter mysql or mysql2? The example on Xeround about the setup site is mysql://username:password@host:port/database

mysql2 is correct gem to use with Rails 3 (mysql 0.2.7 for 3.0.x and latest for 3.1) but the name in the url might be just a name they picked. I guess yours worked but still…

I imagine the Xeround addon of Heroku is not needed right?
heroku addons:add xeround –app xxxx says That add-on is only available to selected users

And finally with mysql or mysql2 in the name of the db url when I try to migrate I just get:

rake aborted!
database configuration does not specify adapter

Did ask Heroku but no answer yet…
