A function, all by itself:

module.exports = function(string) {
  return string.replace(/&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#x27;').replace(/\//g,'&#x2F;');

This is the escapeHTML() function from Backbone.js, which is hidden behind a closure. Thankfully it’s now in the latest version of Underscore.js, which is depended upon by Backbone. If an old version of underscore was being used and escapeHTML() was the one missing utility function that a developer needed, putting it in a module by itself would be one way of supplying it.

Side note: Backbone and Underscore escape the exact six characters specified in Rule #1 of the Open Source Web Application Security Project (OWASP)’s XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet.

I published a node.js package to npm called br-jquery, which contains jQuery and provides an alternate path to downloading jQuery and putting it in a repository when starting a jQuery project. It is a lot like jquery-browserify, but it contains a newer version of jQuery (1.7.1) and has the minified version as well. Additionally it has a build script which fetches jQuery and a full example.

Browserify creates bundles from node.js-style CommonJS modules. It stubs out some core functionality so node.js modules with minimal dependencies can be used in the browser. Here is some JavaScript taken from the example, that creates a bundle:

var js = require('browserify')({
  require: {jquery: 'br-jquery'},
  entry: 'hello.js'

The require property is used to , and the entry property is used to include a module that will be run when the bundle is loaded. The entry module starts by requiring jQuery:

var $ = require('jquery');
$(function() {
  // manipulate the DOM here...

I really like the browserify way of doing things. Instead of adapting browser code to run on the server, it adapts server code to run on the browser!
